Welcome to our blog!

Going green was thought of as the bane of a business’s existence because of the perceived high costs and complex processes that come with it.

But with the increasing awareness of the damages that the modern lifestyle has wreaked on the planet we live in and the stronger push to save it from ruin, people – individuals and businesses alike – have given better attention to what scars our environment and began to seek environmentally friendly alternatives to our uncaring practices.

Despite this growing consciousness, a significant number of people still seem to be indifferent about creating a sustainable environment – not because they do not care, but because they are overwhelmed, intimidated even, by the volume of information available and the scholarly manner with which these tons of information are presented.

So, we welcome you to our world with a promise – to provide you a safe place where you will find well-researched resources on going green. You will also find actionable tasks that slowly but surely will bring us back to a greener Earth. We will strive to present these resources by way of easy-to-grasp articles and reader-friendly links. Hopefully, our site can also inspire an ongoing, fruitful conversation with you.

Science may have assisted us in incurring damage to our environment, but we can turn that around. We can use the same science for more knowledge that can help us create a more sustainable Earth. Although we will not live forever, we can still live through our children.

Do you want them to contain themselves inside their homes, afraid of the sweltering heat outside caused by a depleted ozone layer? Do you want them to navigate a barren land, which has been reverted to a world with no resources so that they eventually suffer from poverty? Do you want your children to suffer from respiratory problems because of the toxins that pollute our air? It is never too late.

But we need to act now. Unless we do something about it, these are problems that will forever hound us.

Yes, our logical mind points at all the damage that has already been done. But within reason, we know that we should be working on preventing more disastrous effects. Some of us are enjoying too much of what modern technology can offer. What we should remember is that there is a technology that can save us. The technology is right here. It will just take more human volunteers to come together and make it happen.

It can begin here.

You get your resources from us while you provide your feedback on what else can be done. Let us pool our knowledge together to create a more significant impact.

Our passion for ecologically friendly energy sources and related issues has come from a place we believe is not too different from yours.

After all, we live on the same Earth. We breathe the same air.

That is the main issue here. We have only one planet to live in and care for, and most of humankind has not been doing a good job at it. This site cannot promise you miracle cures and quick solutions, but it hopes to reach more of us to make more changes. It banks on your true grit to multiply our efforts.

There is no promise here other than we can all try to become better world citizens to save our Earth.

You have clicked on a link to reach us. Let us make a difference out of that simple act. Make every click count.

Again, welcome to the home of learning resources for environment guardians.

Welcome not just to our website and our humble efforts to provide you with some information that can hopefully urge you into action. We also welcome you to our worldwide green team so we can enjoy a productive exchange of experiences, ideas, and opinions.

Start planting the seeds by sharing this site.